Lollipops Age. 
Everything was drawn and painted. Not generated.
Our partners (and friends) asked us to create new packaging for natural dino-shaped candies. But the thing was that the budget for the project was about 1200 dollars only, and everything had to be done in a one week — from the idea to the files for the printing house. Natural lollipops? No artificial flavors or dyes? It's really something out of the Ice Age. So we took that as a starting point. Lollipops Age in Russian is Ledentsovy Period. It sounds very similar to Lednikoviy Period (Ice Age). The title is here. As for the Images of the characters, we decided to take inspiration from Midjourney. 
But it's too easy. So we decided to make it a little more complicated: images to be inspired by, but not to use. To take and draw everything by hand. And here is what we got. The client liked it, the customers liked it too. 
The project was a bit challenge, but cheerfully and awesome.
The inspiration.
The start point.
Looking not perfect? So it should not be.
The real life:
Thanks for watching!
Lollipops Age


Lollipops Age
